Flash forward to Friday evening, around 6 pm, when P comes inside from the backyard, looks at me, and just throws up all over the floor. A LOT! And then, she goes right back to laughing and playing as if nothing ever happened. I didn't really know what to think....she wasn't acting sick as if it were a bug so I ruled that out in my mind. Then J and I both got the thought that it could be related to the fact that she had a not so friendly meeting with my nightstand the night before. So we call the nurse line and they said that the rule of thumb is if a child throws up 3 times within 3 days of a major head bump, then take them to the hospital. So we wait, and alas, out little P Munch threw up 2 more times. At this point it's around 8 pm, so J takes P to the ER while I stay at the house with S (despite the offerings of my wonderful friends and family to watch S if I wanted to go with them). After 2 hours, (yes, only 2 hours!!!) J arrives home with a fast asleep P. The report: they actually did a CAT SCAN on the poor little girl and all came back well. The throwing up could have been related to the concussion she received the night before, but praise the Lord it didn't signify anything major. And, according to J, the Children's Hospital at the Medical Center knew what they were doing! They were efficient, friendly, and most of all...fast at getting their patients in to see a doctor and diagnosed. Again, praise the Lord!!
Anyway, P literally went straight to her bed when they got home, so I got a little chuckle when she woke up the next morning with this cute little sticker on her PJs.
And this teensy little ER bracelet on her wrist
And the string of awesome morning 'dos continues with this beauty