"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." I Cor. 8:6

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome to our blog

In an effort to keep friends and family up to date on the crazy happenings in our household Jason and I have joined the blogging world. It's only fitting, then, that I begin our blog recounting an experience I had the other day....I had just gotten home from running some errands with the girls and was starting a round of diaper changes. Squid (that's Sydney to those of you who don't know the crazy nicknames we have adopted) was changed and happy. P (Presleigh aka P, Pmunch, munchy, munchkin, p-mizzunch, etc.), on the other hand, was poopy and not so happy. I proceeded to change her, only to have her jump up butt naked and go running across her room. She apparently was not done making her deposit and decided that the carpet next to her crib was the best spot to finish such a task. Yes, my daughter pooped on the floor. And so, my friends, goes another day in the Adam circus. Stay tuned....


Unknown said...

I posted too fast!

Poop stinks. Poop on the carpet stinks just as bad.

Unknown said...

Well, such is life! Be sure and write that one in the baby book:)