"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." I Cor. 8:6

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Uber what??

I came to the realization today that I'm not as cool as I once was (or at least as I once thought I was). Jason and I were in church today listening to a very compelling sermon on the grace of God when our pastor brought up the term "uber" as something the kids say now a days to describe an extreme. For example, someone is "uber rich" or "uber cool". Apparently, it comes from the German language and I'm so out of touch with this term that I don't even know if I'm spelling it correctly. Anyway, as I heard this I turned to Jason with a puzzled look, for I had never heard of such a ridiculous thing. I was hoping to see the same look of bewilderment back, but instead got a "You've never heard that? Where have you been?" And that's when I realized that I'm a wee bit out of touch with the goings on in the world. I'm that mom that I once rolled my eyes at. The mom that when I was a teenager insisted on saying "NOT!!" about 5 years after it was cool. (By the way, wasn't there a Friends episode where Ross uses a laundry detergent called Uberweiss? But I digress...)

Anyway, in the hopes that I'm not the only person out of touch with the youth of our nation, I've added a poll on this blog for you guys to tell me whether or not you had heard the term "uber" before. I may find that everyone else has heard of this and I'm just uber dorky...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! Your Mom was always way cool....NOT!!