"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." I Cor. 8:6

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Morning Surprise

One of my favorite parts of the day comes around 7:30 every morning when my oldest munchkin gets up from a good night's rest. I'm usually first greeted on the monitor with a sparkling rendition of the ABC's or if I'm lucky, a precise spelling of the first half of her name. This morning, though, was a special morning. Presleigh decided to sleep in until about 8:30! This would usually come as a surprise to me, but considering the constant activity of the last week (posts about these activities to come) I knew eventually she would need to catch up on some R&R. So around 8:30, I hear some chattering on the monitor and decided to go get P up and going for the day. What happened next still makes me laugh. It's not what happened, necessarily, but what I saw when I opened the door. My munchkin was standing up in her crib, awaiting for my arrival, looking like this:
And then I was instantly reminded of the band Flock Of Seagulls. Need I say more?


Glenna said...

This is priceless. I'm still laughing! What a cutie. She finally has hair, even if it is uncontrollable!

Unknown said...


Carly Rodriguez said...

My little pumpkin looks like Rod Stewart in his glory days!