"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." I Cor. 8:6

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cowgirl & Indian

I've never really been one to get into Halloween...most of it is just a little creepy for me and to be honest, I just never got what the big deal was. Once I had kids, though, it took on a whole new meaning. I have LOVED getting to dress my girls up every year in costumes. Something about putting a little girl in a big sunflower costume or dressing her up as a princess makes me smile. This was the first year, though, that we ventured out into the trick-or-treating world, and I really did not know what to expect. I assumed we would go to 3 or 4 houses and be done because the kids seemed too young to really get and enjoy the whole concept. Boy was I wrong.

We went to T&R's at about 5:30 for pictures with Ike and Nate then started out on our trick-or-treating journey when it started to get a little dark. Ike was the most hesitant, with P right behind him. Squid, however, was a whole different story. The kid had no fear. She would just be-bop (yes that's a technical term) up the driveway with her little pumpkin bucket, grab a good handful of candy, put it in her bucket and be-bop along to the next house. Totally unexpected from our little girl who is usually timid and cautious of people. Ike and P soon followed after and we ended up being out for about an hour, maybe longer. It was a lot of fun.

Anyway, I managed to get some pictures of the cowgirl and indian before all the major festivities began. This was my favorite.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bueller? Bueller?

Alright, alright....I know. It's been forever and a day since I last posted and a lot of you probably thought I disappeared off the face of the earth about a month ago. Not so, my friend!! Yes, it's been almost 3 months since I last blogged (embarrassing to admit!) and since then our house has sold, we've moved into a new house, and the aforementioned haircut of Squid's has grown out to mop-head proportions. Life has been busy but fun indeed! We are loving our new home and the girls have adjusted quite nicely. The large playroom upstairs and the playground in the backyard has helped with the transition, I think :) I hope to post some "Before" and "After" pictures soon, as we have put quite a bit of work into this house already. Fortunately, it had good bones to it....it just needed a little TLC here and there. For now, I will leave you with a "Conversations with P" tidbit.

Presleigh: (as she comes bounding into the room) "I'm watching Super Why, mommy!"

***For those of you who don't know, Super Why is an educational PBS program that is on weekday mornings. It's about a group of "super readers" that teach about letters, their sounds, reading, etc. Okay...back to the story.

Me: You're watching Super Why? That's cool! What are you learning about?

Presleigh: JESUS!!

Hmmm....somehow I don't think Jesus was involved in the Super Why episode, but this definitely made me smile.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sydney's New Do

Funny story....The girls and I were playing last night right before bedtime, when I noticed a couple of hairs that were getting in Sydney's eyes and were WAY longer than the rest of her hair. So I think to myself, "I should trim those hairs so they don't get in her eyes. I'll go get the scissors." Somewhere in between that thought and going to get the scissors, I have another thought. "I should just trim all of her hair. It can't be that hard, right? At least the bangs need to be evened out some." And something crazy told me that this was a good idea and I should follow through with it. So I did.

I had Sydney sitting all still, I have my scissors in hand about to make the cut, when she makes a sudden dash for her 'B'. I tried to pull the scissors away but wasn't fast enough and they ended up cutting whatever hair fell in the blades. I slowly open my eyes to survey the damage thanking the dear Lord in heaven that a blade didn't go in her eye. The bangs were not so fortunate. They were, how you say, VERY short and VERY uneven. I tried to even them out, but Sydney wasn't a big fan of sitting still so I surrendered. I did get to trim the back so the mullet affect is gone. Here are some pics.

The Before

The After

Anyway, after Sydney's hair was all cut P of course wanted her hair cut also. Fine. What the heck? I'll just trim it in the back. I go to get the trash can out of the bathroom so the hair falls into it and not on the floor. I walk back into the media room to find P holding the scissors to her hair. AAAGGGHHH!!!! Fortunately, I was quick enough to get them out of her hand before she too had, how you say, VERY short and VERY uneven bangs. Talk about a disaster. I realized at that point that none of this was a good idea and I must get rid of the scissors ASAP. I do a quick trim in the back of P's hair (successfully!!) and called it a night. What on earth was I thinking?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Round 2

I was gently reminded yesterday that I hadn't blogged in a while (thanks, mom) so I thought I would update everyone on our house situation and the goings on around here. As most of ya'll know, we put our house on the market last year; 7 months and 75 showings later we had no contract and so we decided to take it off the market and give ourselves a break.

After much prayer and thought, we felt that the timing was right and put our house BACK on the market last week. We had our first showing yesterday, and praise the Lord, they are so interested in the house that they are coming back on Saturday. The only hang up is the master closet (surprise, surprise) so Jason is actually going to be at the showing on Saturday to discuss with the potential buyers some options for adding a closet or enlarging the current one.

If anyone reads this, PLEASE, please pray that the showing on Saturday would go well and that we would get a contract soon. It has been a long road for us and it would be such a blessing to not have to have it on the market for such a long time again. God is so good, and His timing is perfect. I pray that we never forget that!!

A pic of our home at 6 Rugby :-)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's Contagious

I ran across this video today while cleaning out our video camera. I think S was around 4 or 5 months old (so it was almost a year ago...that's crazy!!) Anyway, I decided I had to share because it put such a huge smile on my face. Hope it does the same for you...

Monday, March 23, 2009

More Conversation with P....

At the entrance to our part of the neighborhood there is a wooded area right next to a somewhat open field, where a LOT of deer like to roam about from time to time. P has become quite fascinated with these little guys and looks for them every time we drive by. This morning, we were on our way home from running errands and just as we turn the corner the conversation goes as such:

P: Deer, where are you?

Me: I don't see the deer. I guess they're in the woods right now.

P: They're sleeping.

Oh, I see. They're sleeping.

P: Yeah, they're getting their boppies (pacifiers)


And their lions.

Deer with their boppies and stuffed lions. Now that's a picture...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wal-Mart Fun

Taking the girls out to run errands is always an adventure...sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing. This afternoon we went to Wal-Mart for a small grocery run...bread, veggies, you know, the essentials. So, I get P in the big part of the cart, S in the front seat and off we go to the produce section. First item on the list: serrano peppers. I grab the produce bag, put the peppers in, and go to my list to proudly check off item #1....when I see Sydney literally standing in the cart. She has wiggled her way out of the strap and decided that standing ON the seat is way better than standing IN the seat. I scold her appropriately and get her situated back in her seat. Off we go...

We are about halfway through the trip when P decides she would like to announce to all our fellow grocers that she "Has to go poo poo." After saying "I gotta go poo poo!" about 5 times loudly in a row, I decided to distract her with one of her favorite dittys "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". The way we sing is that P gets to decide what exactly "He" has in his hands. Typically she wants baby sister, mommy and daddy, etc but today she decided that she wanted me to sing "He's got Presleigh's poo poo in His hands." Really? Does he really have poo poo in his hands? Gross.

And so the song goes. After we sing about Sydney's poo poo and even Larry Boy's poo poo I finally get her distracted enough to finish the trip in silence (not without avoiding the disturbed looks from passers by).

Oh S & P, life would be so boring without you guys :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Conversations with P

I find myself amazed on an almost daily basis at what P has learned and what she can communicate in conversation. For example, yesterday the girls and I were playing in the family room where my Bible sat on the ottoman. P has a fascination with the Bible (I pray it continues!) probably just because it's a book and it has funny feeling pages. Anyway, the conversation went as follows:

P: Bible!

Me: Yeah, that's the Bible. What's in the Bible? (asking this, not really expecting her to know, but thinking of it as an opportunity to tell her)

P: Arky, Arky! (as in Noah's Ark)

Me: That's right! What else?

P: Lion! Den! (as in Daniel in the Lion's Den)

Now I know this isn't earth shattering, but I just thought it cool that she's already learning that the Bible is a special book that has lots of different stories. And that the Bible is not one specific book that always looks the same physically...she can just as easily point out daddy's Bible which looks entirely different from mine.

Anyway, she's not a kid genius or anything, but she's smart to me! And just know that 2 year olds are a lot more intuitive than we probably give them credit for. More conversations with P to come...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Squid!

Today is my baby's 1st birthday! Hard to believe. It has been a hard, but extremely fun, year and I can't explain how much joy this little one brings to me. I am truly blessed!

Anyway, I put together a little montage of the past year and how much S has changed. I hope everyone enjoys!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A day at the park

Today was such a beautiful day that J and I decided to take the girls to a park nearby. P of course had a blast on the "big slide" and got a lot of energy out climbing everything in sight. Squid got quite adventurous herself and decided to crawl all around the playground like her big sister. Here are some pics.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

So, yesterday was my sister-in-law's birthday and so to her I say...hope you had a happy 28th!!! (and your present is on its way :-) Since the girls and I couldn't see her on her birthday, I thought this video was the next best thing. I recorded it yesterday and tried my darndest to post this blog yesterday, but it took me for-e-ver to figure out how to get the video on to my computer. Then for whatever reason, adding the video to the blog took so long I thought I was going to have to wish her a happy 29th instead!!

Anyway, here's a little birthday wish from the P Munch. Enjoy!

Sidenote: I just noticed the blog says I posted on the 22nd...but I just added it this morning (the 23rd). Or maybe I actually posted the text yesterday and edited with the video this morning. Either way, I DO know when her birthday is!!! :-)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sweet Reunion

A couple of weeks ago, in the midst of the holiday hoopla, P's precious Lion went missing. It was so hard to keep track of him at all the different places we went...Nana's, Grandma's, Papa's and so on. I blame myself. What greater responsibility does a mother have than to keep track of her sweet P's best buddy? But I digress. After making all the emergency calls to see if anyone had seen our missing friend with no success, I gave up. I kind of blew it off, because after all, P didn't seem too distraught about it. And then over the last couple of days, dear old Lion came back into my mind. I can't really explain P's reaction to him being gone. It's not like she asked for him constantly, but still I could tell she was wondering where he had run off to. So today as I was hanging clothes in S's closet, my eye drifted down to this ginormous basket of stuffed animals. I had never looked there. But no, certainly lion didn't get tossed into a basket with a bunch of other toys?!? It was worth a shot. I dug and dug and then at last I saw the familiar tail sticking out. I grabbed him and ran to P and announced "Look what I found! LION!!!" Words cannot express her face. Her eyes lit up, a smile broadened across her face, (maybe even a tear of joy...ok not really) and all the words she could muster up to say were "Thanks!". Well, P and Lion are back together because I don't think he has left her side yet today. Sleep well, P Munch. Mystery solved.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snot, and more Snot

So, for the last several days I've been up to my ears in snot. Not my snot. The snot of my two precious angels, S&P. P got it first at the very beginning of the new year and S soon followed suit. And let me just say, it is tiring having two little sick ones. Not only do they wake up several times during the night because they can't breathe, but then during the day all they want to do is lay on me. Although, I've enjoyed having an excuse to just lay and snuggle with my little ones :) Anyway, they've gotten past the nasty fevers of 102/103 degrees and I think we're on the home stretch. Now I just have to pray J and I don't get it! Pumping OJ and vitamins in my system as we speak....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Okay, so I know that it's been forever and a day since I posted anything and by now I've probably lost all readers of the blog. But for the people that still have faith that I can actually post on a regular basis, I will blog on. So, I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday season. We had a blast in our household and too much went on to tell everything. But, one of the highlights of the past couple of weeks was when J, my brother and I got to go to a Bears vs. Texans game in Houston. J won the tickets a while back at a golf tournament and we've been looking forward to it ever since. The tickets were on the 50 yard line about 7 rows behind the Texans bench, so needless to say it was a really fun time (and I got some great pics!). Not such a fun time, though, was watching the Bears stink up the joint with their pitiful football skills. (My regrets out to the dad and son duo who sat in front of J!!) It was a tough loss to watch, especially since a win for the Bears could have put them in the playoffs, but ultimately it was a great experience. Thanks to Grandma, Nana, and Kassie for sharing babysitting duties for S&P!

Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak getting into his team for their poor performance thus far (the team managed to pick up the pace after this little pep talk). Is it just me or does it look as if he is about to release an expletive from his mouth? And that vain on his neck....Oh my.

An action shot just before the snap

I'm not necessarily a fan of either of these players, but throughout the whole game, they were always by each other's side. I thought this was a pretty cool picture of the camaraderie that these two guys share.