"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." I Cor. 8:6

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Little Gymnast

Today was Presleigh's first class at the Little Gym. We enrolled her in the hopes that she could get some energy out while at the same time learning and having fun. To say that our goal was accomplished is an understatement. Jason took her into the class while Squid and I watched from the "viewing area" behind the glass. I laughed while watching my little munchkin hang from the uneven bars like a monkey, roll down a hill of mats like a roly-poly, and smile all the while. The best part, though, was watching my hubby roll around on the ground with her, helping her do somersaults and having just as much fun as her. And then I thought to myself, "I'm a pretty lucky girl." I continued my thoughts about how great my life is when all of a sudden I was interrupted by the munchkin tapping on the glass trying to get my attention. She wanted to be sure I was watching her and of course, I was. I have to say, I'm proud of my little one. She was the youngest one in the class but she hung in there and kept up with all the older kids. In fact, we had to drag her out the door kicking and screaming because she had so much fun. We'll have to work on that part....


Carly Rodriguez said...

J is a good gymnastics teacher, in fact he is the one who taught me to do a cartwheel, go figure. Just remember, he can teach somersaults and cartwheels all day long just don't ask him to teach P how to dive!

Glenna said...

You can't imagine how long it took me to figure out how to post this comment. I am soooo computer impaired!
Comment is: Yes he's a good gymnast and an interesting cheerleader. We have pics in "drag" to prove it.