"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." I Cor. 8:6

Friday, August 15, 2008

So long, mullet

I love a lot of things about my little P Munchkin but one of my favorite things about her is her hair. It's been a long journey in getting what hair she does have, so you can imagine my reluctance to cut a single hair. But I began to be reminded of Billy Ray Cyrus in his "Achy Breaky Heart" days every time I looked at her, and that's when I realized it was time to get a haircut. So this past week, while I was in Dallas with the girls, Kassie and I decided to make a trip to Cool Cuts with the kids. I was a little nervous because I had visions of the cousins photo shoot still haunting me in my dreams, and considering she won't sit still for 2 seconds to let me brush her hair I had no idea how the hair dresser was going to manage actually cutting her hair. But I was pleasantly surprised. Besides the occasional "No!" and "Ow!" (yes, she would yell "Ow" when the hair dresser got even remotely close with the scissors) it was not a bad experience at all. P watched Baby Einstein, ate a Nilla Wafer, and 15 minutes later....no more mullet!! She ended up with the cutest little bob that's angled on the sides (for a mini Victoria Beckham look). It is precious! Now maybe I can get "Achy Breaky Heart" out of my head....

The Before Picture

The During Picture

And the After Picture


Margie said...

How precious. I see Danamus was getting a cut also. Wish I could have been there :)

Glenna said...

That was her Aunt Carly's little girl cut. So cute!

Carly Rodriguez said...

No more mullet means no more piggies (for now). I love the bob though...very chic P!

trace said...

awww the bob is so cute! i had to chop collin's mullet at about that age too. but we LOVE cool cuts - i tried to go to fantastic sam's with him once and he flipped out, but he ASKS to go get his "hair-a-cut" at cool cuts!