One of the biggest things the girls have had to learn the past couple of months is to entertain themselves. They've always been pretty good about playing on their own for a while, but with all the feedings and diaper changes that go along with a newborn I just don't have as much time with them as usual. The interesting part comes when I am finished taking care of Wyatt and I go look for the girls to see what they've been doing for the last unsupervised half hour.
So, the other day I was feeding Wyatt on the family room couch while the girls went their own ways. Sydney went upstairs and P was making some kind of racket in the kitchen and "barn". I couldn't wait to see what P was up to, so as soon as Wyatt was fed I went in to see what was going on. This is what I found:
At first I laughed, and then I said, "That's cool, P. What are those? People standing in a line?" Now, those of you that know P well, know that she has an extremely vivid imagination. So it's not entirely ridiculous for me to think that she has concocted some story about these spoons being something completely different.
After I asked her the question, she looked at me in a somewhat confused way. And then she said, "No mom. They're spoons in a piano." The funny thing is that she said it with a tone and a look on her face that indicated she thought I was some kind of weirdo for thinking they were anything but spoons in a piano. Sure, she pretends the arms of our couches are horses but thinking spoons are people? C'mon...
1 comment:
Candice that is a VERY adorable post. wow i love your family!!
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