I had Sydney sitting all still, I have my scissors in hand about to make the cut, when she makes a sudden dash for her 'B'. I tried to pull the scissors away but wasn't fast enough and they ended up cutting whatever hair fell in the blades. I slowly open my eyes to survey the damage thanking the dear Lord in heaven that a blade didn't go in her eye. The bangs were not so fortunate. They were, how you say, VERY short and VERY uneven. I tried to even them out, but Sydney wasn't a big fan of sitting still so I surrendered. I did get to trim the back so the mullet affect is gone. Here are some pics.
The Before
The After
Anyway, after Sydney's hair was all cut P of course wanted her hair cut also. Fine. What the heck? I'll just trim it in the back. I go to get the trash can out of the bathroom so the hair falls into it and not on the floor. I walk back into the media room to find P holding the scissors to her hair. AAAGGGHHH!!!! Fortunately, I was quick enough to get them out of her hand before she too had, how you say, VERY short and VERY uneven bangs. Talk about a disaster. I realized at that point that none of this was a good idea and I must get rid of the scissors ASAP. I do a quick trim in the back of P's hair (successfully!!) and called it a night. What on earth was I thinking?